Meet the team

Ana Cadete

Ana Cadete

Role at NCS

Job: PhD in Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Innovation

Ana Raquel Bertão

Ana Raquel Bertão

Role at NCS
Podcast team

Job: PhD Student at the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), Center of Chemistry (CQ-UM, University of Minho) and International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL)

Ana Raquel Santa Maria

Ana Raquel Santa Maria

Role at NCS
Career Hub Co-Lead

Job: Technology Development Fellow at the Wyss Institute at Harvard University

Bárbara Mendes

Bárbara Mendes

Role at NCS
Outreach and Funding (Lead)

Job: Postdoctoral Researcher at Nova Medical School

Carolina Travassos

Carolina Travassos

Role at NCS
Collaborator on the Newsletter

Job: PhD student at the Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research - CIBIT, in collaboration with Siemens Healthineers (Portugal)

Catarina Cruz

Catarina Cruz

Role at NCS
Career Hub

Job: PhD Student at Ghent University, Belgium

Catarina Ferreira

Catarina Ferreira

Role at NCS
Outreach and Funding (Lead)

Job: Project Manager at Lund University (Sweden)

Helena Macedo

Helena Macedo

Role at NCS
Career hub co-team lead

Job: People Development Officer

Inês Veiga

Inês Veiga

Role at NCS
Podcast Team (co-lead)

Job: Marketing and Communications at Católica Porto Business School

Isabel Castanho

Isabel Castanho

Role at NCS
Podcast Team (co-lead)

Job: Instructor at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), Harvard Medical School (USA)

Joana Ferreira da Silva

Joana Ferreira da Silva

Role at NCS
Events (co-lead) and human bridge to Career-hub

Job: Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

Maria Muchata

Maria Muchata

Role at NCS
Funding Team

Job: Master Student at NOVA FCT, Portugal

Mariana Coelho

Mariana Coelho

Role at NCS
Podcast Team

Job: Strategy Associate at Merck Healthcare KGaA (Germany)

Mariana Cunha

Mariana Cunha

Role at NCS
Principal Scientific Communications Specialist at Med Communications

Job: Events Team

Mariana Hugo Silva

Mariana Hugo Silva

Role at NCS
Events Team

Job: PhD Marie Skłodowska-Curie student at the University of Limerick, in collaboration with Janssen Pharmacuetica (Belgium) and Trinity College Dublin

Rita Ferreira

Rita Ferreira

Role at NCS
Events (co-lead)

Job: Innovation and Technology Transfer (Switzerland)

Rita Ramalhete

Rita Ramalhete

Role at NCS
Podcast Team

Job: PhD student at the Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology (London, UK)

Rita Rebelo Manuel

Rita Rebelo Manuel

Role at NCS
Events Team

Job: PhD Student at ITQB NOVA, Portugal

Sara Branco

Sara Branco

Role at NCS
Social Media

Job: Environment Engineer

Tânia Catarina Medeiros

Tânia Catarina Medeiros

Role at NCS
Events Team

Job: Postdoctoral Researcher at Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging