Sara Branco

Sara Branco

Role at NCS
Social Media


While I work at my main study área - Environment Engineer from the last 24 years, I found out that I love to communicate. My experience in social media came as content creator of my IG account about motherhood and family (@definitividadesaodois) which was born while I was resting due to twin pregnancy ( Inadvertently this came to be revealed as a source of extra income that I really enjoy doing. I have always loved writing and found on social media the perfect vehicle for sharing my writing. Due to this opportunity, I felt the need to improve my skills in the area, I took several courses on mathers like copywriting, digital marketing, social networks... And I ended up receiving requests for help from people who needed help with their small businesses social media. So, for the last 12 years I started to provide social media consultancy and produce content for small businesses.

I am a person who seeks constant evolution, I do not allow myself to sit idly by and I always look for more and better. I believe that, whether due to my professional or personal background, I believe NCS is an incredible project that will both challenge and teach me a lot!

I'm also a twin mom [the most challenging work I have!], a four cat mom, a wife, and a passionate cook. I spend my free time trying to convince myself to love going to the gym and running, but while I try… I play paddle. I love to travel, mainly through the discovery of new cultures, people and culinary habits. Reading and enjoying the Portuguese sun are the two things I mostly do when on vacation! I'm really happy to join the NCS team.

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